Patagonia lakes

In the Andes-Patagonia region, the largest lake watershed in Argentina is waiting for you.

Sail along water mirrors fed by melting mountain snow. Discover the source of ancestral tales and myths that appeal to researchers, dreamers and poets. Feel the breeze. Watch the flying birds. Get close to those islands that seemed to be so far away. Follow the trails to see the water from up high. Combine lake and land experiences.




By land, enjoy the Ruta de los Siete Lagos [Road of the Seven Lakes], an experience you should not miss. By water, catch a boat at the small elegant piers and sail on the Paimún and Epulafquen, Lácar and Huechulafquen, Puelo and Nonthué, Futalaufquen and Nahuel Huapi Lakes. Visit Victoria Island and the Nahuel Huapi, Arrayanes and Lanín National Parks. Surrender to the enchantment of the Argentine Patagonia lakes. 


Geographic location: Province of Neuquén, Argentine Patagonia.

How to get here: start the journey from Villa La Angostura to Bariloche, which is located 85 km away (and has its own airport). From the North, the journey can start from San Martín de los Andes.

Area: 4,230 km2

Altitude: 1,860 meters above sea level.  

Climate: humid. The average annual temperature ranges between 8 and 10ºC. Summer is cool and winter is cold, with intense snowfall and rain. 

Ideal time of the year: December through March, due to the mild climate. For snow lovers, June through September.

Recommended length of stay: 5 to 7 days. 

 Recommended clothing: it depends on the season. In summer, be prepared for temperature changes. In winter, wear clothes to keep you warm in snowy weather.

What to do: take the typical half-day or full-day sailing tours. Ride along the Ruta de los Siete Lagos, where you will see the Hermoso, Falkner, Villarino, Pichi Traful, Espejo Chico, Espejo Grande and Correntoso Lakes.

  Tips: tours can be booked at the travel agencies located in the neighboring cities and ports. It is recommended to hire a tourist guide for a more accurate understanding. 



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