Puerto San Julián

In Argentine Patagonia, a city surrounded with historical legacies and natural wonders awaits you.

It was 1520 when legendary sailor Ferdinand Magellan set foot on these lands. That was the starting point in the history of Puerto San Julián. Would you like to live that adventure in the sea? Walk around the city and visit the Nao Victoria theme museum, built inside a real-size replica of one of the ships that participated in this epic adventure. And, just by the museum, watch Punto Cero, the landmark that identifies the beginning of Patagonia.



Are you continuing your walk around history? Visit the Monument to the First Mass, the Héroes de Malvinas small square, and the Rosa Novak de Hofmann Pioneer Museum, where you will find the remainders of the Magellan navy, and an archeological exhibit. Are you familiar with the nature surrounding this city? Explore its coasts, where penguins and bottle-nosed dolphins are waiting for you, together with a world of native fauna. Enjoy this experience in the province of Santa Cruz.

Geographic location: Province of Santa Cruz, Argentine Patagonia.


How to get there: By bus or by car, via Ruta Nacional 3.


Area: 110.9 sq km


Climate: Cold and dry.


Recommended length of stay: 1 to 3 days.


Recommended clothing and gear: Warm clothes suitable for very low temperatures and strong winds.


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